Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunshine Award!

I was just awarded the lovely Sushine Award by a sweet friend, Shirley. Big hug and thanks to my bloggie friend a true honor to have received it. Your blog and talent is an inspiration to me....please do check out Shirley's blog and enjoy her humble watercolors and whimsical stories.

I am to pass this along to 12 wonderful people. Please take a sec and visit them, you will find rays of sunshine and beautiful illustrations :)

Nina Seven
Little Beehive
Jennifer Bell
Cally Jane Studio
Moira Millman
Chickengirl Design (Jannie Ho)
Holli Conger
Kelly Medina
Valeria Cis
Paper Glitter
Megan Coyle
Brad Renner

BIG Thanks you all that have been listed for visiting my blog. And thanks to the rest that visit...I appreciate ALL OF YOU! CHEERS!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Copy the logo and place in on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Pass it along to 12 other people.


Nina Seven N7 said...

thank you, julissa! i really appreciate the award and your kind comments about my latest work. you're the best!

J.Bell said...

Thanks Julissa!

Moira Millman said...

hey julissa! thanks for that:)

Cally Johnson-Isaacs said...

Oh thanks Julissa...that's so lovely xx

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

Hey there!! Thank you so much, Julissa :-) Its been wonderful getting to know you and your work :-)

Kelly Medina said...

Julissa, thank you so much for the kind words and award. I'm so happy to have found you and so many wonderful artists in this big internet world. Your work is a great inspiration and I wish all the best for you. :)


Shirley said...

Julissa - you have SUCH a wonderful spirit, and so deserve this award. Thank you for all of your kindness these many months. It's been a privilege getting to know you and your wonderful work!

Brad said...

WOW thanks Julissa! I am honored :)
Thanks for the kind words and the award, I will do my full award duties on my next post.

Have a great day!

Megan Coyle said...

Thank you Julissa! I'll have to mention this in my next post :)

Julissa Mora said...

Hi guys! Glad you all like it..I just now got back to everyone...sorry it took me this long just been busy lately. big hugs to all of you. :)